While according to the Solicitors Regulation Authority 53% of people who work in law in the UK are women, and 37% of those are partners in law firms and growing, there is still much work to be done to encourage, inspire and support the next generation of women in law.
As a woman who has worked in law and business for many years and is now CEO of London Law Collective, Jo Farquharson attended the Women in the Law UK Conference 2024 to find out more about the work that is being done by Women in the Law UK.
The first keynote was from Her Honour Judge Rosa Dean, Senior Circuit Judge, Resident Judge based at Snaresbrook Crown Court and the second was from Chief Chancery Master Karen Shuman. Both were particularly inspiring as our judiciary and profession continues to become increasingly diverse. Our profession is enhanced by the work of these remarkable women.
Thank you to Women in the Law UK, founded by Dr. Sally Penni MBE and the team from Leigh Day led by Jill Paterson for organising the conference.