Collective Purpose

Are we being ‘greenwashed’ by the current Government?

David Farquharson Founder More Info + Are we being ‘greenwashed’ by the current Government? ClimateEarth lawyers certainly think so, and earlier this week, as the UK boiled in a heatwave with unprecedented and dangerous temperatures causing havoc and destruction across the country, they held the government’s inadequate net zero strategy to account by winning a […]

Are we being ‘greenwashed’ by the current Government? Read More »

Legal briefing: The impact of the National Security and Investment Act 2021

Tim Herbert Director More Info + The National Security and Investment Act came into force on 4 January 2022.  It allows the UK Government to screen acquisitions or investments that it considers could potentially represent a threat to the UK’s national security.  The Government can examine and intercede as it considers necessary for the public

Legal briefing: The impact of the National Security and Investment Act 2021 Read More »

Tim Herbert joins London Law Collective as Director

Founders David Farquharson and Jo Farquharson of LLC are delighted to welcome Tim Herbert as a Director.  Trained at Herbert Smith Freehills, Tim brings over twenty years of high-quality commercial and corporate experience to LLC. Alongside this, Tim will also be a senior leader in LLC’s dispute resolution practice. Founder David Farquharson commented on Tim’s appointment, “we are delighted that

Tim Herbert joins London Law Collective as Director Read More »

A Team Sport? Lawyers, COP26 and Change from Within

“Addressing the interconnected emergencies facing our societies and planet will require systems change, and transformations of that scale are a team sport.” (See Harvard Business Review, The Myth of the CEO Hero) It’s common knowledge that the safe limit for the rise in global average temperature is 1.5 degrees Celsius.  A recently published UN Report concluded that if carbon

A Team Sport? Lawyers, COP26 and Change from Within Read More »

b corp law firm

At London Law Collective we believe that it’s not enough to act alone

David Farquharson Founder More Info + To address the most pressing global issues of our time, it’s up to governments, companies and individuals to work together responsibly. That’s why when we started LLC, it was always our ambition to apply for B Corp UK Status. We are delighted to announce that at the end of

At London Law Collective we believe that it’s not enough to act alone Read More »